Project 1 Flier


  • Description: Black and white promotional flier for a graduate leadership conference.
  • Process (Programs, Tools, Skills, FOCUS principles): I brainstormed some ideas based on my audience and the message I wanted to convey. I then sketched four main designs to be able to design effectively in Adobe In Design. I created text boxes to fill in what was needed to be said. And placed two thins underlines under all my major words. After I aligned all the underlines and used proportional spacing. I continued this theme throughout the design. I left white space at the bottom right and the on the top of the page around the word “Graduate”. The image, logo, and content was given to me.
  • Message: To attract recent graduates interested in becoming strong leaders and to motivate them to go to this leadership conference.
  • Audience: Recent graduates who are between the ages of 22- 30 years of age
  • Top Thing Learned: The importance of white space but also double checking for grammatical errors and “widow” words.
  • Title Font Name & Category: Charlemagne Std Bold – Slab Serif and Century Gothic – Sans Serif
  • Copy Font Name & Category: Century Gothic – Sans Serif (two different font sizes – 12 and 13.5)
  • Links to images used in this project:


  1. I really love the simplicity of this piece. The simple logo, the simple title… the only pieces of flare were the double lines underneath the titles which collective were enough for the whole piece. I’d have liked to see another set of double lines under the subtitle instead of the single line that was there though: consistency and repetition. Also the body copy seems a little crowded to me; maybe increase the kerning and line spacing a little


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